Computer is an automatic electronic device which can work under given instruction calculate the specific data process on it and make the result is called computer.
note:-the word computer has been derived from word compute which mean to calculate some thing.
note:-computer has got two parts.
hardware:-the touchable parts of the computer or the parts which have physical shape are called hardware.
note:-hardware has got three parts.
input devices .
output devices .
system box .
input devices:-when the user gives instructions to the system for any specific purpose it needs some devices. those debices by the help of which user gives instruction to the kind of input devices.
for examples keyboard . mouse . lightpen . joystick . micro phone . camera . scanner etc.
output devices:-when the system gives/provides result of given instruction to the user those devices by the help of which system gives instructions to the user are called output devices.
for examples:- monitor, printer, speaker,plotter, etc
system box:-system box contains the main part/devices of the system which are source to run the system perfectly.
for example mother board, cpu, ram, hdd, Cd rom, DVD rom etc.
software:-the untouchable parts of the computer the series of instruction which contains information and guideness which called software.
Note:-software has got two parts,1 system software, application software,
system software:-the software which full fill the requirement of the system and help to run the application software is called system software.
for example dos, windows, windows, linux, unix
Application software:- The software which can full fill the requirement of the user is called application software.
Kind of application software:- graphical, database, language, etc. or we can say it is a machine which gets data process it calculate it and show result.
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