DDR RAM is Double Data Rate RAM.
Although DDR RAM can be designed for various clock rates, we will concentrate on DDR-266 RAM. It operates with a 133 MHz clock, but it uses both the leading and trailing edge of the clock cycle. Hence, it produces data at an equivalent clock rate of 266 MHz, which is a double data rate.
DDR RAM achieves its double data rate even though the internal RAM core operates at only the 133 MHz clock rate. Effectively, if a DDR RAM chip produces 8 data bits for every cycle of the 266 MHz clock, then it is internally producing 16 data bits for every cycle of the 133 MHz clock, but delivering on demand only 8 bits at a time to the I/O data pins. This is we can say a advance form.Dual channel DDR is also available in coating we can say.And flash DDR is also ready for use
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